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PLAY  drums & cool FX while you watch our video or any YouTube video. It’s FREE. Nothing to download, just click the link & play along.

45 Vermont volunteers made this video to benefit kids with cancer. 

SHARE.  Every view = $ for kids with cancer.

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Just by watching, you’ve contributed.  If you want to do more…  

We support research & care: Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth Hitchcock in Lebanon, NH; American Cancer Society. All contributions tax-deductible. Minimal amounts will be used to keep Saragail’s therapeutic Playalong App FREE for anyone who needs help, in hospitals or at home.



Research shows–drumming helps.  Now anyone, anywhere, anytime, can access the therapeutic joy of group drumming.  If you’re getting chemo or transfused, or you’re lonely or scared, put on some headphones and play along. Child Life specialists at Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth Hitchcock in Lebanon, NH, one of New England’s premier healthcare institutions, is already using Saragail’s Playalong App with patients.  They know the research–if you’re having a rough time, drumming along can help.  

Use the app in challenging situations, if you’re getting chemo, transfused, or feeling lonely, scared or sad.  Plug in your headphones and play along–experts say it can help you feel better.

We’d love to hear your response.  Your positive feedback will encourage us, your critiques will help us improve:
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 Please share this project with your friends. The more people who know, the more kids we can help.

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