The DEEP DOWN video/app HELPS in 2 WAYS:
1. Play along…
- When you’re getting chemo, transfused, waiting in the doctor’s office–any situation where you’d really rather be somewhere else
- When you’re hurting, or feeling ill, scared, bored, lonely, or sad
- When you’re feeling good & just want to have fun
- On your own
- With a friend–1 person can play the LEFT buttons, the other can play the RIGHT
- With headphones or speakers blasting
- With a mobile device & headphones, & you can play in lots of different settings & not disturb anyone around you.
- Vocalize your own sounds & FX–the app is just a starting point. Add your own laughing, drum, monster & fairy sounds, or anything you like–just have fun!
Research proves that making music helps people facing physical and emotional challenges feel better. Drum play can help.
See the science behind the project.
All ages love the app, kids-adults, 1-101.
The app works with desktops & mobile devices.
2. Fundraising
Volunteers made this project to benefit kids with cancer & other illnesses.
It’s FREE for anyone who needs it. Everyone else, if you have fun, please
100% of after tax profits will benefit kids with cancer & other illnesses.
See our target recipients.